Wednesday, October 27, 2010

James Bond

Toy Cars: 1:64 Aston Martin DBS by Hotwheels 2010 and 1:60 Aston Martin DBS by Corgi

I've never been a fan of Aston Martins until Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace came out.

These last 2 James Bond movies were intense, more realistic and more brutal than the other Bond films. Which is great as it infused something new to the franchise.

Bottomline: If you like Bond movies, intense stunts and action then you can't go wrong watching these 2 movies on DVD and Blu-Ray!

Borrowed image from another site
It wasn't easy getting the Hotwheels version even though it just came out. It took me about a month before I was lucky enough to get a copy. Of the two versions, the Corgi edition has more detail and better quality.

Check them out.

Hotwheels Version

The Corgi Version

...And if you wish to compare the two

Friday, September 24, 2010

Magnum P.I.

TOY CAR: Hot Wheels 1/64 Ferrari 308 GTS
I don't remember much about the show except for the cool car =p

This diecast was a really easy find as they're everywhere right now.


My Name is Earl

TOY CAR: Matchbox 1/64 scale 1971 El Camino (2009 series, I think)

I haven't really seen the show so I really can't comment. And the actual car used in the show is the El Camino 1973. But this is the closest I could find =p

Here's what the show is all about as described by the site

Earl Hickey is a ne'er do well without a job or a direction in life. Instead, he spends his days drinking beer, stealing whatever isn't bolted down and being a leech on society. But when he wins the lottery of a lifetime, Earl thinks his luck may have just changed...until he's hit by a car. As he recovers in a hospital bed,Earl realizes that maybe the reason why he's there is because of a simple five letter word: karma. For every rotten thing he's done, a rotten thing comes right back to him; and the only way he can stop that is to make good for every bad deed. Having compiled a lengthy list of things he's done to people, Earl sets out to right all the wrongs from his past. All of this on the promise that maybe, he can enjoy his fortune once and for all, but only if he can finish the list first. Aiding him is his lifelong best friend and brother, Randy and an ensemble of characters to assist, observe, amuse, berate, or are just there for Earl Hickey...

Hope you like the pics =)


TOY CAR: 1/64 Greenlight 1968 Dodge Charger, Black Bandit Series
Here goes my version of the summary of ALL Blade movies. Wesley Snipes is Blade. Blade is a vampire slayer who is half vampire. He is after some major villain that only he can stop. Serious asswhooping ensues and he wins the day.

No really, that's pretty much the basic plot of all Blade movies.

Not that I'm complaining, don't get me wrong. I honestly enjoyed all Blade movies. Well, maybe not much for the last one as that sucked but I had a bloody good time with the second movie. Now that was a movie with major bite!

Blade movies are really heavy on the fight sequences and they were particularly great on the first two. I can still hear the techno beat from the opening sequence of the first movie echoing in my head like some broken record. There's something twistedly (is that even a word?) awesome about watching a vampire hunter take out waves upon waves of vampire cannon fodder. Edward beware!

If you're an action fan, Blade movies are definite must see movies.

Onto the diecast:

Greenlight diecasts are really well made. They're like Johnny Lightnings, they both have rubber tires, good solid frames, nice details and good clean finish. It would have been nice if the doors open or if they offered it on a different series as I really didn't like the solid black tire rims offered by the Black Bandit Series. But overall, a good car that's nice to put on any display.

Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The Ghostbusters ECTO-1
(Intro background music: Ray Parker Ghosbusters theme)

TOY: 1/64 scale ECTO-1 from Hotwheels

After being kicked out of their University, professors Venkman, Spengler and Stantz set up shop in an old firehouse as Ghostbusters. They rid the city of ghosts and spirits for money. Business was bad until They stumbled upon a cataclysmic event that threatened the whole city and they were called in to save the day.

Ghostbusters is one of my all time favorite movies as a kid. I used to draw the Ghostbusters logo on ALL my notebooks and watched the cartoon series regularly. Sure the special effects may seem dated now but the movie is fun to watch. Bill Muray was at his best in this movie who seems to have ready snide quips at any given opportunity.

About the diecast: From where I live all of the ECTO-1s seem to have been hoarded by toy collectors as I have not found a single ECTO-1 in any of the major shopping centers (and I've been to about 6!). I was able to get this in the secondary market and I paid about 3x more than the standard Hot Wheels price. It's not that bad really as at that price point it costs just about the same as a Greenlight or Johnny Lighting 1/64 diecast.

Hunting for this baby was so much fun as it was really a challenge. As of this writing, the secondary market price for this hot cast has gone up and is now about 5x more than the retail price of a regular Hot wheels. Getting one at that price would still be worth it as ECTO-1 was one of those iconic 80s movie cars.

Overall build is excellent as it captures the movie version accurately. However, the car does lack detail. For starters it does not have the ECTO-1 plate, second, the paint job (at least mine did) is sloppy as it had paint clumps and lastly, it would have been great if they had more detai in the roof ornament or an opening hood or an opening back door to pull out the gun racks. But they had none of these little touches that would have made this version an absolute must have.

It's still a nice diecast though and is a definite head turner in any collector's showcase. Here are some more pictures of the awesome car. 'til then, happy toy hunting!