TOY CAR: 1/64 Greenlight 1968 Dodge Charger, Black Bandit Series
Here goes my version of the summary of ALL Blade movies. Wesley Snipes is Blade. Blade is a vampire slayer who is half vampire. He is after some major villain that only he can stop. Serious asswhooping ensues and he wins the day.
No really, that's pretty much the basic plot of all Blade movies.
Not that I'm complaining, don't get me wrong. I honestly enjoyed all Blade movies. Well, maybe not much for the last one as that sucked but I had a bloody good time with the second movie. Now that was a movie with major bite!
Blade movies are really heavy on the fight sequences and they were particularly great on the first two. I can still hear the techno beat from the opening sequence of the first movie echoing in my head like some broken record. There's something twistedly (is that even a word?) awesome about watching a vampire hunter take out waves upon waves of vampire cannon fodder. Edward beware!
If you're an action fan, Blade movies are definite must see movies.
Onto the diecast:
Greenlight diecasts are really well made. They're like Johnny Lightnings, they both have rubber tires, good solid frames, nice details and good clean finish. It would have been nice if the doors open or if they offered it on a different series as I really didn't like the solid black tire rims offered by the Black Bandit Series. But overall, a good car that's nice to put on any display.
Enjoy the pics!