TOY: 1964 Ford Galaxie, Hot Wheels 2007 Series
Years ago when there was no cable, we used to enjoy shows through an apparatus called the antenna. Yes, it was a metallic thing that we used to point to the source of the signal to get the shows to appear on our T.V.! Can you imagine? Anyway, we used to get shows from the nearby U.S. military base and one of the shows that I enjoyed watching was the Wonder Years. It starred Fred Savage (The Boy Who Could Fly and Princess Bride) and was the story of a boy, growing up in, well the wonder years around ages 9-15 I guess. It was told through the first person narrative and had a lot of memorable moments.

The show had a stern father, a caring mother, an older sister who doesn't want to be bothered and an older brother who doesn't want to be associated with his younger brother....so basically your typical household. In one episode they needed to get a new car because their old car was really gettng old. And so, after remembering that episode I tried to track down one of the cars used in the show. It was the Ford Galaxie 1969 version.
Unfortunately, after searching everywhere, I couldn't find that car. So I got the closest thing in terms of appearance and color, the Ford Galaxie 1964 edition!

There is something about old cars that I find appealing. It could be because of nostalgia or it could be because the new cars are like facial wipes; you use them once and you get a new one. In the old days...let me rephrase that...as I was told from the old days, cars used to stay in the family for a long time. Old cars seem to be like part of the family, an integral part so it seems.
So without further ado, I present to you one of my latest hauls...the 1964 Ford Galaxie. Enjoy!